The Plumbish authorities send a choir of Simouns to intercept Aer and Neviril, but instead of attacking, they perform the Ri MÄjon of the Morning Calm in a friendly gesture of farewell. Aer and Neviril perform the Emerald Ri MÄjon, and a peaceful white light appears at its center in place of the howling vortex from the other attempts. The two vanish in a flash of light. Years after the war, the former members of Chor Tempest reflect on their lives. Scene ends with Neviril and Aer in an alternate world dancing on an abandoned Arcus Primus. Back in the past, a pair of new Simoun Sibyllae that Rimone has trained are finally ready to attempt the Emerald Ri MÄjon. DominÅ«ra is bedridden with some sort of illness, much to Rimone's dismay. The success of the Emerald Ri MÄjon by Rimone's protegées reawakens a desire in Rimone to fly again. When another of the new Sibyllae pulls her aside to ask her to pair with her, Rimone turns her down. DominÅ«ra is Rimone's pair, she explains, and she will have no other. At that moment, a Simulacran-style Simoun appears in the sky via the Emerald Ri MÄjon and vanishes. "Aer!" exclaims Rimone. "Is that someone's name?" asks the Sibylla that Rimone turned down. "It's... the ultimate form of love," replies Rimone. "Yes, the ultimate love," says DominÅ«ra, up from her bed and fully dressed. "To what sky shall we fly next?" she asks. DominÅ«ra and Rimone embrace, and walk happily off to their Simoun to attempt the Emerald Ri MÄjon again. As they walk off, the disappointed Sibylla notices sparkly gold flakes in DominÅ«ra's wake. Yun calls out DominÅ«ra's name as she peers into the Spring, years later...